
Kumbali Projekt e.V.

Chilungamo Malawi-Flag

Deutsche Version


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Malawi Kindergarten Team


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About us

Kumbali Projekt e.V.
Grit Wagner-Strohn
Brunnweinbergstr. 2
D-71334 Waiblingen
Tel.:+49(0)7151 277003
Fax: +49(0)7151 277004
URL: http://www.kumbaliprojekt.de

Privacy statement

International Understanding - Support for Malawi - Africa

What means Kumbali?

Kumbali is a Chichewa word and means "on the edge".

Where is Malawi?

Malawi is a landlocked country in the southern part of the East African Rift. Formerly known as the British protectorate Nyasaland, it became independent in 1964. Out of 20 million inhabitants, approximately 50% are living under the poverty line. Most people live on agriculture. A high prevalence of HIV/AIDS results in a significant number of orphans. There is a considerable lack of schools.

What are our objectives?

Our non-profit organisation aims at promoting international awareness, tolerance in all spheres of culture, understanding between different peoples, youth service and education. The organisation intends to create awareness of the social conditions in particular among young people in order to enable them to assume individual responsibility and to act independently in a democratic society and to contribute to international understanding as a basis for world peace. This includes facilitation of understanding and reduction of preconceptions between different nations, social levels, religions and ideologies.

In which way do we intend to realise our objectives?

In the first instance, we will implement our objectives through organisation and accomplishment of volunteer services in Malawi. Especially young people shall have the chance to get to know the country and its people and support them through active collaboration in self-help projects, such as
  • Construction of new kindergartens,
  • Cooperation with existing facilities (procurement of necessary teaching materials, maintenance measures, improvement of the infrastructure),
  • Imparting the permaculture principles.

How do we use membership fees and donations?

We are a small organisation with volunteer administration and have - unlike large organisations - hardly any administrative expenses. Accordingly, we are able to use membership fees and donations exclusively and directly for the association's purpose. We have been registered in Germany as a non-profit and charitable organisation and thus can provide both members and donors with full tax benefits (§ 52 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 4, Nr. 7, Nr. 13 and Nr. 15 AO)